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"As we awaken to our indoctrinated body shame, we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body shame and oppression against all bodies. There is a whisper we keep hearing; it is saying we must build in us what we want to see built in the world." -Sonya Renee Taylor

Do any of the clients, patients, or people with whom you work exist in larger bodies? 

Are you ready to explore how your body size (however big or small) may be influencing your work with larger-bodied people?

Let's consult!

In 2017 the World Health Organization acknowledged "obesity stigma" and weight bias as a public health issue.  Not unlike other forms of stigmatization, weight stigma is associated with significant physiological and psychological consequences (World Health Organization, 2017, attribution to Ashlee Bennett on Instagram @bodyimage_therapist, 9/5/2018).  If you're in a healing profession, let me help you do the work of dismantling your anti-fat bias, which can both stop the harm you may be unconsciously perpetuating on your larger-bodied clients, but can also open up spaces of deeper healing for them - and you! ​


Consultation can include, but is not limited to:

  • Size oppression as a reality for larger-bodied clients

  • Understanding size privilege as a power dynamic in therapeutic relationship

  • The difference between body image issues and weight stigma/size oppression

  • Making an office and waiting room accessible and inviting for larger bodies

  • Lessening the harm inflicted on clients via body shaming, health shaming and food shaming 



Cost - I charge $165/hour.


Location - I primarily offer consultation online, but if you are located in Seattle, I am able to meet you at your office and offer feedback about how physically accommodating or welcoming your space is or isn't to someone in a larger body (travel costs: $20 in Seattle; $35 in King County, $65 to Pierce or Snohomish Counties).

Actual picture of how I celebrate larger bodies and anyone who is actively working to do less harm to them
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